Tunde Folawiyo | AWF Assists the Republic of South Sudan

July 4, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo oil

The Republic of South Sudan faces a number of challenges in establishing its structure as a nation. Upon request by its government, the African Wildlife Foundation is currently assisting the country in initiating best practices for protecting its supply of natural resources. James Kahurananga, Former Director of Maasai Steppe, has been stationed in Juba to work as AWF’s advisor for the country’s Conservation and Tourism ministry. Tunde Folawiyo and others throughout Africa may regard the organisation’s work as some of the significant in advocating for the continent’s wildlife.

Tunde FolawiyoSouth Sudan holds a distinctive set of challenges in regards to conservation including training and institutional development. Over 18,000 former soldiers with no former wildlife training must be trained in order to forge an impact in the country’s quest to preserve its wildlife. The country must also develop a unique set of laws and policies to serve as the standard for wildlife protection. As a young country, a strong sense of structure and order is imperative to an effective wildlife protection plan.

There are a variety of unique threats faced by South Sudan’s wildlife, including security maintenance. A severe lack of adequate finance also contributes to the country’s poor wildlife protection infrastructure. South Sudan relies heavily on oil to form its budget and a recent closure of pipelines has led to a decrease in funding. As the wildlife sector remains low on the country’s list of priorities, funds are difficult to come by. Millions of displaced persons and refugees roam the lands of South Sudan. With this, more must be done to ensure a safe environment for those struggling. Raising awareness of the need for wildlife conservation is the first step in improving conditions throughout South Sudan. African citizens like Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others may join in collective efforts to protect the wildlife and landscapes of Africa.

Since its establishment, the AWF has continually sought to forge a great impact upon wildlife efforts throughout Africa and other parts of the world. Teaming up with a variety of organizations around the globe, the AWF may further provide a great source of support for thousands of species across the continent. Tunde Folawiyo and other wishing to assist the AWF in fulfilling its goals for a brighter future for Africa’s wildlife may look to their website for more information on how to contribute to the cause. Visit www.awf.org for more information regarding all the ways to provide aid to those in need.

Africa's endangered animalsAfrican Wildlife FoundationAfrica’s wildlifeAWFConservation and Tourismnatural resourcesSouth SudanTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profilewildlife conservationwildlife efforts

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