Ethiopia’s tallest mountain

AWF Joins AWC for Ethiopia’s Limalimo Lodge

September 17, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationAfrica's endangered animalsProtecting RhinosTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profile

As one of African wildlife’s greatest allies, the AWF continues to implement new projects in hopes of forging a positive impact upon the animal and human populations of Africa. One such project, Limalimo Lounge, is set to bring a range of benefits upon the surrounding area’s people and wildlife. With the help of other organisations […]


0 AfricaAfrica's endangered animalsAfrican Wildlife CapitalAfrican Wildlife FoundationAfrica’s Endangered WildlifeAWFConservation TourismEthiopia’s tallest mountainLimalimo LodgepoachingSimien Mountains National ParkTunde Folawiyowildlife conservation