breeding cheetahs

What’s being done to protect the cheetah?

October 1, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationAfrica's endangered animalsTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo oil

The cheetah is best known for its incredible speed; as the fastest land mammal on the planet, it can reach speeds of seventy miles per hour in a matter of seconds. However, its tiny teeth, delicate jaw and lean body -all of which contribute to its ability to accelerate so quickly – also make it […]


0 Africa's endangered animalsAfrica's endangered speciesAfrica's greatest survivorsAfrican Wildlife Foundationbreeding cheetahsCheetahcheetah populationpoachingprotect the cheetahTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo profile