The Impact of the African Wildlife Foundation | Tunde Folawiyo

March 17, 2014 Editor Africa’s Endangered PrimatesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profile

Since its founding in 1961, the African Wildlife Foundation – formerly known as the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation – has continually advocated for the preservation of the continent’s wildlife, utilising their power as an organisation to bring awareness to endangerment of many of African’s animals. Through these initiatives and with the support of citizens from all over the world, including Nigerian Tunde Folawiyo, the African Wildlife Foundation continues its mission of preserving the land of Africa to ensure the safety of future generations of these endangered species.

Tunde Folawiyo

The African Wildlife Foundation’s rich history has contributed significantly to its popularity. Russell E. Train, a wealthy judge and hunter, along with founders Nick Arundel, Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. and James S. Bugg, together founded the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation in order to support the growing needs of the African wildlife. While the initial mission of the AWF was to train operators and assist in maintaining game reserves throughout Africa, it later recognised the imperative need to support western scientists in their continued quest to protect animals and their natural habitats. Most recently, the focus has transitioned to developing sustainable systems benefitting both the wildlife and the various communities of people who inhabit the surrounding land. These efforts are imperative in exploring a solution for dwindling populations of species.

Protecting the continent’s vast landscape, conserving wildlife populations and empowering the citizens of Africa are among the African Wildlife Foundation’s main focuses today. Empowering people involves working with government to define conservation policies, sponsoring and promoting incentives that encourage the continued support of the African Wildlife Foundation’s various efforts. The African Wildlife Foundation focuses on identifying large, ecologically important areas that house a variety of endangered species and must be protected through their resources. These areas are home to a host of species that include Western African giraffes, mountain gorillas, white rhinos and elephants.

In addition to promoting the preservation of the continent’s endangered species, the African Wildlife Foundation strives to raise awareness about the negative impact of climate change as well as a host of other issues impacting the land. While the continent of Africa is responsible for only a small fraction of the burning of the world’s fossil fuels, its climate and location enable an unfortunate susceptibility to the dire consequences of rising temperatures throughout the globe. With the continued support of millions of African citizens such as Tunde Folawiyo and others throughout the world, the African Wildlife Foundation will continue its mission of protecting the land and species of the continent.

African Wildlife FoundationAfrican Wildlife Leadership Foundationconserving wildlife populationsdeveloping sustainable systemsmaintaining game reservesmission of the AWFprotecting endangered speciesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executive

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