AWF Supports Okavango Delta’s Naming as World Heritage Site

August 8, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo londontunde folawiyo oilUncategorized

In fostering its deeply-rooted efforts to conserve dwindling wildlife populations throughout Africa, Africa Wildlife Foundation supports UNESCO’s declaration of Okavango Delta amongst the organisation’s 1,000 World Heritage Sites. The delta remains one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most vibrant and diverse ecosystems, housing an enormous amount of species from fish to large mammals. Tunde Folawiyo and other advocates for Africa’s wildlife conservation efforts may find the recent announcement to serve a great purpose in the overall fight against wildlife endangerment.

Tunde FolawiyoOkavango Delta sits within a landscape boasting the world’s biggest elephant population. The delta also provides shelter for a wide variety of species, rendering it of vast significance to African wildlife. Over 71 varied fish species, more than 400 species of bird and a whopping 200,000 species of large mammal roam the lands of Okavango. This critical ecosystem must be preserved in order to protect the many animals who consider this habitat home. Whilst the delta has long been recognised as housing a significant portion of the continent’s wildlife, only a third of the area was previously protected. The new designation amongst UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites will allow for heightened protection against mounting threats like poaching and habitat destruction.

Demonstrating the need to protect this area, Karen Ross, the programme’s design director, explained the complexity of the delta and the areas it impacts. Okavango Delta lies at the southern area of river system rising within Angola and flowing through Namibia where it continues until reaching the northwestern region of Botswana. Upon this, the water fans out, spanning 2,000,000 hectares of marshlands and floodplains supporting a diverse array of species before the waters disappear into Africa’s Kalahari Desert.

The park’s newfound designation as a heritage site will bring about new initiatives to further protect the grounds housing so many of Africa’s most beloved species. The announcement is anticipated to bring forth new tourism developments to improve both the local economy and conservation efforts alike. World Heritage statuses are widely recognised, serving as a powerful and effective marketing tool. Botswana’s management authority is now given the task of controlling activities throughout the delta, which includes tourism and the community’s use of natural resource. With this, Ross, the AWF and other supporting organisations may continue efforts to preserve these treasured landscapes and species of Africa. Tunde Folawiyo and other proponents for wildlife conservation may regard the areas surrounding Okavango Delta as some of the most vibrant in the continent, demonstrating the outstanding need to further protect this magnificent landscape.

AfricaAfrican Wildlife FoundationAfrica’s Kalahari DesertAngolaAWFBotswanacritical ecosystemhabitat destructionNamibiaOkavango DeltapoachingTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo profilewildlife conservationWorld Heritage Site

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