climate change

AWF Combats Climate Change with Technology

September 24, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationAfrica's endangered animalsTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo profile

The need to preserve Africa’s wildlife has never been greater as factors like poaching and deforestation continue to wreak havoc upon the continent’s complex ecosystems. Although the African continent houses only 17% of Earth’s forests, deforestation in the area has been estimated at four times the world average, demonstrating the outstanding need for intervention. Whilst […]


0 Africa's endangered animalsAfrica's endangered speciesAfrican Wildlife Foundationclimate changecombatting wildlife extinctiondeforestationjikospoachingrising temperaturesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo profilewildlife conservation

AWF Battles Deforestation throughout Africa

September 22, 2014 admin Africa Wildlife FoundationAfrica's endangered animalsTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo profile

As one of African wildlife’s greatest allies, the African Wildlife Foundation continues to make great strides in the fight against endangerment and extinction. The organisation has long worked closely with African communities to form a joint force against the issues plaguing Africa’s wildlife and their habitats. From combatting poaching to the devastating effects of deforestation, […]


0 AfricaAfrica's endangered speciesAfrican Wildlife FoundationAfrica’s wildlifeAWFclimate changecombatting poachingdeforestationhabitatsTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo londontunde folawiyo profilewildlife conservation